2 Nov – She Rose From The Dead – Living Room Concerts

“When I found that I could deliver words draped in melodies, I settled a macrocosm inside myself.”
«Al descubrir que podía envolver mis palabras en melodías, creé un macrocosmos en mi interior».

2 November - She Rose From The Dead - Living Room Concerts

Victoria Rose is twenty-seven years old, half Spanish half American, raised between Madrid and California. When she was four years old, she had a fake band with her twin brother Christian called The Cowboys. When Victoria was ten she started playing the piano and the trombone but never got very good at them because she was not disciplined about practicing. Nor was she particularly enamored with either instrument. When Victoria was sixteen, she and her twin brother started writing songs together in a project called Bloody Victory. And at twenty, while she was living in Berkeley California, she started learning the guitar while faced with an inordinate amount of free time. Currently Victoria has a band called She Rose From The Dead and they have recorded two albums.

Victoria Rose tiene 27 años y es mitad española y mitad estadounidense, criada a caballo entre Madrid y California. Cuando tenía cuatro años, formó una banda de mentiras con su gemelo, Christian, llamada The Cowboys. Con diez empezó a tocar el piano y el trombón, pero nunca llegó a dominarlos, ya que no tenía disciplina a la hora de practicar y tampoco es que le apasionase ninguno de los dos instrumentos. Con 16, ella y su gemelo empezaron a componer juntos canciones en un proyecto llamado Bloody Victory. Y con 20, viviendo en Berkeley, California, en una época en la que se vio con muchísimo tiempo libre entre manos, empezó a aprender a tocar la guitarra. En la actualidad, Victoria tiene un grupo llamado She Rose From The Dead, con el que ha grabado dos álbumes.

Connect / Conecta:
Bandcamp – https://sherosefromthedead.bandcamp.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sherosefromthedead/
Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/sherosefromthedead/

She Rose From The Dead will perform starting at 20.00h on Saturday November 2nd. Bring your positive energy. Lively conversation, new friends and more, before and after the performance. Come join us!

She Rose From The Dead nos ofrecerán un concierto a partir de las 20.00h del sábado 2 de noviembre. Trae tu energía positiva. Conversación animada, nuevos amigos y más antes y después de la actuación. ¡Únete a nosotros!

New LRC Members: Join Living Room Concerts and RSVP here.

LRC Members: RSVP here.

Sponsors / Patrocinadores:

Style My Life – www.stylemylife.us/events/
Meetup – www.meetup.com/living-room-concerts-official/
Emubands – www.emubands.com/es/