13 Feb – Abdel Dakhil

“A lot of the time when I feel alone I listen to music and I belt at the top of my lungs to a song, which of course, cures my loneliness. That’s how I want to help people; in the purest of ways; with music.”

Abdel Dakhil is a pop acoustic rock musician born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Abdel’s dynamic song style can at times be both soft and a powerful anthem. During each performance he selects the arrangement of his set list on the fly depending upon the energy in the space at the time. Abdel is a passionate and energetic performer. He is leaving Madrid in March so this is one of the last chances you’ll have to experience one of his shows.

Abdel will be performing acoustically starting at 21.00 on Saturday February 13th. Bring your positive energy and a cushion to sit on. Lively conversation, new friends and more, before and after the performance. Come join us!

Connect with Abdel and his music here on facebookand soundcloud.

Suggested donation to artists is a sliding scale of 5€ to 20€.
5€ tickets. 7€ with Open Bar of wine and beer.


Donación sugerida a los artistas es una escala móvil de 5€ a  20€.

5€ entradas. 7€ con Barra Libre de vino y cerveza.

RSVP here.