23 April – Pablo Rego

“Music is one of the most interesting languages. It involves and combines various kinds of logic that would be paradoxical within any other field.”

Pablo Rego is a multidisciplinary artist who finds music to be one of those fields in which he most likes to explore. Since he started scratching the guitar he has rambled exploring different styles of music and various experimental sound art formations. One characteristic which hasn’t changed much is his simplistic folk guitar style.

Check out Pablo’s music on soundcloud and bandcamp

Pablo will perform acoustically starting at 21.00 on Saturday April 23rd. Bring your positive energy and a cushion to sit on. Lively conversation, new friends and more, before and after the performance. Come join us!

Suggested donation to artists is a sliding scale of 5€ to 20€.
5€ tickets to attend or 7€ ticket with Open Bar of wine and beer.


Donación sugerida a los artistas es una escala móvil de 5€ a  20€.

5€ entradas o 7€ entradas con Barra Libre de vino y cerveza.

Non-Members: Join Living Room Concerts and RSVP here.

Members: RSVP here.