11 Jun – Padraig O’Connor

“Every song is a different world. I like songs that are places. That’s what I try to do; take the listener to another world. I’m a bit of a musical magpie, I collect melodies, and I prefer words that are like pictures. Music says what language struggles with. It’s all emotion in its purist form. It does something we can’t explain away. Jung felt that creativity was an autonomous part of the mind. That’s why music sounds alive. The best music writes itself; It’s our job to get out of the way and let the inspiration come through as it first feels.”

Padraig O’Connor is an Irish singer-songwriter based in Madrid. He began playing classical piano about 30 years ago, and has been writing music for over 20 years. He’s a regular of the Madrid open mic and gigging scene (where he can mainly be found playing guitar), and is working on a long awaited debut album. This concert will feature Padraig on the piano.

Check out and connect with Padraig and his music onsoundcloudFacebook, and youtubeHe also blogs here about his favourite songs.

Padraig will perform starting at 21.00 on Saturday June 11th. Bring your positive energy and a cushion to sit on. Lively conversation, new friends and more, before and after the performance. Come join us!

Suggested donation to artists is a sliding scale of 5€ to 20€.
5€ tickets to attend or 7€ ticket with Open Bar of wine and beer. (12€ total)


Donación sugerida a los artistas es una escala móvil de 5€ a 20€.

5€ entradas o 7€ entradas con Barra Libre de vino y cerveza. (12€ en total)

Non-members: Join Living Room Concerts and RSVP here.

Members: RSVP here.