8 Oct – Emerging Artists Showcase

Three sets, all original compositions, presented by three lovely ladies.

“I see music as an instinctive and universal language, an intuitive way of finding answers knowing there will not be only a correct answer but multiple choices. With music you are free to let your mind flow with no boundaries.”

Originally from Madrid, Elena Exposit has studied music since childhood but it was not until a few years ago when she started writing her own songs under the stage name Echo Suit. Influenced by songwriters such as Elliott Smith and Sparklehorse, she tries to capture emotions in the most intimate and sincere way using her guitar and voice.”

[Update: Elena was unable to join us due to a family emergency.]

“Music is something that, no matter how hard I try, I can’t define with words. For me it’s a whole other world, where I can forget about anything that is not the performance, the audience and the song.”

Paula Ferraz moved to Madrid from Marbella last year to start university. In her hometown she studied classical piano and sang in a rock band with friends. When members of the band left and moved away, Paula started playing guitar and singing on her own. She performed a few times at a local bar before moving to Madrid where she discovered a new world with the open-mic scene.

Connect with Paula and her music:





“For some people, music is just a background soundtrack. To me it is life. Now, I can also say that it is a ‘job’, a ‘profession’, ‘love’, ‘passion’ and ‘vocation’.  The best love you can find in this life is the one you want at your side even when you wish that everything else was over. I have found my love … MUSIC.”

Chrisstina was born in Madrid in 1997 and at age 14 she began her journey into the world of music. Her first classes were guitar, an instrument that soon would become her greatest support in the concerts and first compositions. Nine months after Chrisstina started learning the guitar she began taking singing lessons. After one year of singing lessons she joined the school of the producer and vocal coach Jesus Yanes where she studied singing, theater, acting camera, piano, dance and technical stage. Four years later, at age 18, Chrisstina finished her studies at the school and entered the Blues School in Madrid. During her last year with Jesus Yanes she traveled to London on holiday, she auditioned for a small London label. A week later, she was signed to produce her first record contract in which she would work alongside the producer Ian Post from New York on two original songs. The first one, Poker Game, came to light last June 24th. The second song, titled Breath Again is still kept in a drawer, but is expected to finished and released this year.

After several months of concerts, mostly in northern Spain, Chrisstina has taken a break from performing to work on her own songs to focus on compositional work and finding her sound, which in the not too distant future, will be included in her first album.

Connect with Chrisstina and check out her music here:







Paula, Echo Suit, and Chrisstina will perform acoustically starting at 21.00 on Saturday October 8th. Bring your positive energy and a cushion to sit on. Lively conversation, new friends and more, before and after the performance. Come join us!

Cover: 12€ with Open Bar of wine and beer.


Entradas: 12€ con Barra Libre de vino y cerveza.

Members: RSVP here.

Non-members: Join Living Room Concerts on Meetup.com and RSVP here.