12 Mar – Julianne Athon

“Music brings people together, tells our truths, and makes us dance! Is there anything better?”

Musically inspired by the longing to play “Master of Puppets” on the drums at 16, Julianne was handed the family guitar instead. She became involved in the open mic scene in her hometown of San Diego California and began to produce a collection of original songs. Julianne’s songs tell stories about the people she has met and the experiences she has had over the past ten years. Julianne is currently based in Madrid.

Check out Julianne here on soundcloud.

The performance starts at 21.00 on Saturday March 12th. Bring your positive energy and a cushion to sit on. Lively conversation, new friends and more, before and after the performance. Come join us!

Suggested donation to artists is a sliding scale of 5€ to 20€.
5€ tickets. 7€ with Open Bar of wine and beer.


Donación sugerida a los artistas es una escala móvil de 5€ a  20€.

5€ entradas. 7€ con Barra Libre de vino y cerveza.


Non-members: Join Living Room Concerts here.


Members: RSVP here.